Bento D’Souza sdb
AHMEDNAGAR, SEPTEMBER 11, 2009: Thou shall not kill – say the Decalogue, So that in society teachers do not murder the creativity of the curious, aspiring, wondering day dreaming students. Teacher’s Day comes to remind us annually that Creativity is the key to holistic growth
and development of the young, Teachers day was initiated on September 7, 2009. In a small yet cute cultural program the students of the Don Bosco Community College, Ahmednagar performed a variety of items to express their gratitude for the time, talent and tenacity invested in their education. Fr. Bento gave the keynote address about the nitty gritty in the life of a teacher’s daily routine. He stressed that the fulfillment felt is of the same proportion as Miss Universe Award or an Olympic Gold Medal. Fr. Anton said that the College would respond to the needs of each and every student, cost what may. All in all, Teacher’s day was a special day in the lives of all present.
On September 8, 2009, during a festive evening Eucharist in honour of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a homily by the Parish priest & a PowerPoint on I’m every woman, the commissioning of the new parish council members was held. The new 24 parish council members took the oath to serve the parish and signed it. Then the 22
children who would be receiving first Holy Communion this year took a promise to prepare themselves faithfully for this mega event in their lives. Lastly, the 30 Basic Christian Community members, the mahila mandal leaders, the finance committee and the religious experience animators took a commitment to perform their duties conscientiously and in a spirit of dedication to the parish. The choir which sang was conducted by Vianney and the Pumpkin house. After the service, snacks were served.
AHMEDNAGAR, SEPTEMBER 11, 2009: Thou shall not kill – say the Decalogue, So that in society teachers do not murder the creativity of the curious, aspiring, wondering day dreaming students. Teacher’s Day comes to remind us annually that Creativity is the key to holistic growth

On September 8, 2009, during a festive evening Eucharist in honour of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after a homily by the Parish priest & a PowerPoint on I’m every woman, the commissioning of the new parish council members was held. The new 24 parish council members took the oath to serve the parish and signed it. Then the 22