MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 16, 2009: On the evening of September 12, 2009 the ground floor hall of the Shelter don Bosco reverberated with loud victory cries as the senior football team brought in the trophy, medal
s and prizes won by them in the football tournament conducted by the Concern India Foundation for all the NGO boys at Priyadarshini Park, Malabar Hill. Twelve teams took part in this tournament. Ajay Tiv was awarded as the best player of the tournament. He scored 7 goals, the highest score in the entire tournament. 
Fr. William Falcao, Director of Shelter Don Bosco congratulated the boys during their assembly. Certificates and gifts were awarded to the winners from Concern India Foundation. All the shelter boys were thrilled and their joy knew no bounds whilst they cheered for the performance of the winning team.

Fr. William Falcao, Director of Shelter Don Bosco congratulated the boys during their assembly. Certificates and gifts were awarded to the winners from Concern India Foundation. All the shelter boys were thrilled and their joy knew no bounds whilst they cheered for the performance of the winning team.