Bernard Britto sdb
MUMBAI, OCTOBER 3, 2009: The FIRST SESSION OF PROVINCIAL CHAPTER 2010 was held on October 1, 2009 at the Provincial House Don Bosco, Matunga. Fr. Michael Fernandes the Provincial of the Mumbai Province officially inaugurated the Chapter during the 7a.m. Eucharist. It was symbolic and apt that on the Feast of St. Teresa of Child Jesus, patroness of Missionaries he invited all the me
mbers to renew their missionary zeal to return to Don Bosco, living a life that is simple yet attracting, and challenging youngsters to follow Jesus the Don Bosco Way.
There were around 62 members participating in the chapter. Fr. Provincial addressed the members and invited them to serious discernment and whole hearted participation. He made the participants aware of the seriousness of the meet; that they are representatives of the province who need to voice concerns collectively and translate into action all the deliberations discussed. Fr. Ashley Miranda- the moderator and Fr. Ajoy Fernandes – Vice Provincial and assi
stant moderator of the chapter began the chapter with the Senatio & Attendance, reading out the rules and regulations for the Chapter, and outlining the main tasks to be accomplished by the Chapter.
Midway through the chapter two books authored by Frs. (Drs.) Barnabe D’Souza and Nelson Falcao were released. Fr. Barnabe’s book - Eliciting People Participation in Community Development - a manual on lessons from experience provides tried and tested techniques to lead readers towards community participation and decision-making. Fr. Nelson’s Marathi translation of the biblical epic: Khristapurana was the next to be released. The Khristapurana is path-breaking as it presents the story of Christ adopting a Vaishnavite literary style in classical Marathi literature. After the release of the books, a brief evaluation of the Implementation of the Province Lines of Action of PC – 2007 was conducted.
After a quick lunch, the chapter members were assigned to commissions they had opted for, namely: Formation, Youth ministry, Salesian Family, Social communication, Salesian Missions, and Economic Policy. Each of the commissions then drew up their plans for implementing the task of the Chapter – drawing up a Province Structural Plan.

Amidst all the action Fr. Savio Silveira from the development office made the participants aware of the international ‘Stand Up Take Action’ campaign slated for October 16 to 18, directed towards eradicating poverty and accomplishing the millennium goals. Fr provincial brought the proceedings to a close by reminding the members of future province events and inviting them to the second session of the Chapter to be held in Lonavla from February 22- 27, 2010.
MUMBAI, OCTOBER 3, 2009: The FIRST SESSION OF PROVINCIAL CHAPTER 2010 was held on October 1, 2009 at the Provincial House Don Bosco, Matunga. Fr. Michael Fernandes the Provincial of the Mumbai Province officially inaugurated the Chapter during the 7a.m. Eucharist. It was symbolic and apt that on the Feast of St. Teresa of Child Jesus, patroness of Missionaries he invited all the me

There were around 62 members participating in the chapter. Fr. Provincial addressed the members and invited them to serious discernment and whole hearted participation. He made the participants aware of the seriousness of the meet; that they are representatives of the province who need to voice concerns collectively and translate into action all the deliberations discussed. Fr. Ashley Miranda- the moderator and Fr. Ajoy Fernandes – Vice Provincial and assi

Midway through the chapter two books authored by Frs. (Drs.) Barnabe D’Souza and Nelson Falcao were released. Fr. Barnabe’s book - Eliciting People Participation in Community Development - a manual on lessons from experience provides tried and tested techniques to lead readers towards community participation and decision-making. Fr. Nelson’s Marathi translation of the biblical epic: Khristapurana was the next to be released. The Khristapurana is path-breaking as it presents the story of Christ adopting a Vaishnavite literary style in classical Marathi literature. After the release of the books, a brief evaluation of the Implementation of the Province Lines of Action of PC – 2007 was conducted.
After a quick lunch, the chapter members were assigned to commissions they had opted for, namely: Formation, Youth ministry, Salesian Family, Social communication, Salesian Missions, and Economic Policy. Each of the commissions then drew up their plans for implementing the task of the Chapter – drawing up a Province Structural Plan.

Amidst all the action Fr. Savio Silveira from the development office made the participants aware of the international ‘Stand Up Take Action’ campaign slated for October 16 to 18, directed towards eradicating poverty and accomplishing the millennium goals. Fr provincial brought the proceedings to a close by reminding the members of future province events and inviting them to the second session of the Chapter to be held in Lonavla from February 22- 27, 2010.