Crescens Lemos sdb
MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 3, 2009: All saints day, was celebrated in a different way at Don Bosco, Matunga. The campus was graced with the presence of the parents of the Salesians and the FMA from various parts of Mumbai, Vasai and Uttan. There were 155 Parents and Salesians for the occasion. The evening began with a solemn Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Michael Fernandes, Provincial of the Salesian Province of Mumbai. In the introduction at the Eucharist he said that this was the first time that the province is having a FMA, Salesian parents’ day celebration. He also mentioned that it is an opportunity for all to meet their parents, to thank them for offering their sons and daughters to God and to the congregation. It is also an invitation for the Parents to accompany their children in their vocation. During the homily speaking on the feast of all saints day he exhorted the congregation to BE- the-ATTITUDE i.e. to bring about a change in the attitude on the blue prints marked out by Jesus Christ.
The mass was followed by a presentation by Fr. Elias Dias on the Salesian family and by Fr. Brian Moras on the role of parents in vocation promotion. In the later session the parents introduced themselves and thus got to know about themselves and about their sons and daughters. Spot prizes were given to the lucky parents who were most senior and most junior and those coming from far-off places.
Parents are co-creators of God. And we as Salesians must realize that, we are who we are firstly because of God and secondly because of our parents. They too are a vital part of our Salesian family and we must appreciate their presence in our family. Let this be an occasion for us to return back to our Father and Founder Don Bosco and rejuvenate ourselves as one big Salesian Family.