SUKET, FEBRUARY 1, 2010: The Sixtieth Republic Day of India was remembered by the Students of Don Bosco Madhyamik School, Salawad – Suket (Rajasthan) in a novel way! The class IX students organized a day of fun and learning for the children from 16 VEP (Village Education Project) centre’s around the institution. Around 350 children assembled and enjoyed the day which comprised of games, dance, recitation of poems and sharing a meal. For the teachers and students of the VEP centre’s the day was not only an entertaining one but also an inspiring one to see the young students of class IX going about the entire programme with much ease, confidence and unity. “Hum bhi Don Bosco School ana chahate hai” was on the lips of both students and teachers of the VEP. Truly, the Don Bosco magic is working. The dream lives on!!!