Prakash Nathan
NASHIK, AUGUST 19, 2010: On August 15, 2010 the third anniversary of the Marian Grotto was celebrated at St. Dominic Savio Church, Satpur, Nashik. About five hundred to six hundred devotees gathered at the Satpur Church Compound. The whole ceremony began at 11.30 am with a solemn and prayerful procession of all the faithful along with the statue of Our Lady. After the Marian procession followed the prayer dance and the Holy Eucharist. The Parish Priest, Fr. Nelson Falcao, sdb was the main celebrant who preached the homily in Marathi, connecting the two Feasts of the two Mothers, i.e., Mother Mary and Mother India, and of two Independences, that of Mother Mary from the stain of sin and death and that of Mother India from the British Rule.
After the well-animated Holy Eucharist followed the prize distribution and the giving of the certificates for the students from I Std. up to graduation level who had secured 60% and above. Mrs. Suwarnatai Tukaram Morade, the Nagarsevak of Satpur was present for the prize distribution ceremony and she gave away the prizes and the certificates. Mr. and Mrs. Morade have given to Satpur Church some benches and five huge MSEB Electricity Poles for the Compound of Satpur Church.
After the prize distribution followed a Sahabhojan, i.e. a meal shared by all. It has been a yearly initiative of the parishioners of Satpur who collect the amount or give in kind for the common fraternal meal. This shared meal has a great value in the lives of the people. It brings people together and strengthens the bond of unity. The whole programme of the Assumption and the Independence was a great success and the people went away praising God for the gift of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Assumed into heaven and for the free Indian Nation.