Bento D’Souza sdb
AHMEDNAGAR, AUGUST 15, 2011: On August 14, 2011 an Altar Servers Rally was hosted by the Parish Priest, Fr. Augustine Pereira at Don Bosco Savedi. Sixty five alter servers attended this programme of which twenty participants came from the villages around. Fr James Nigrel gave the opening talk.
The group spent the entire day learning their task. Fr. Pereira motivated the group about the need of an effective Altar Server. A Quiz on the lives of Don Bosco, Dominic Savio and Mary Help of Christian’s followed. After the meal, there were games for the kids. The boys played football while the girls played handball. Fr. Manuel Murzello concluded the programme by encouraging the kids to serve the Lord with all their hearts.
The whole group enjoyed the experience and are now ready to take up the task of serving the Eucharistic celebration at the altar with renewed enthusiasm and precision. A book on the life of Don Bosco was distributed to the children as a memento. This event was held to commemorate the birthday of Don Bosco which is on August 16.