Patrick Corda
BORIVLI, OCTOBER 24, 2011: The students of MoRD (Ministry of Rural Development) spent a day out with the destitute of Shanti Daan Ashram which is located in Gorai, Borivili (West). On reaching the gates of the ashram we were greeted by the brothers of missionaries of charity which was founded by Mother Theresa of Calcutta.
One of the brothers showed us around the place and we were really touched to see almost hundred and seventeen male destitute both young and old. Brother mentioned that they all were divided into two categories one who are mentally challenged and the others who are suffering of some physical sickness. He said that they had to take special care of them and medicines had to be given on time. Since the number was huge many lay people helped in taking care of these destitute by rendering their time and service. There were a few children who came held our hands. It looked as if they were longing for love.
Brother then took us to a small room where there were two young men who were making candles of different shape, colours, and sizes. I spoke to Vinod who was from Mumbai and is living in the ashram form the past eight years. He said that he was making candles for the past five years.
At the end of the day Fr. Bastin Thomas, Administrator BBH thanked the Brothers of Shanti Daan for showing us around and explaining how everything worked. We thank the Director of BBH Fr. Anthony Santarita who said that you would not know what the world looks like if you have not visited Shanti Daan Ashram.
Very truly said, "We make a Living of what we get, but we make Life in what we give." So lets all make this world a better place by giving out time to these people.