After registration and breakfast, the youngsters were led into joyful praise and worship by a team of youngsters from Don Bosco Parish Borivli, under the leadership of Fr. Allwyn Misquitta.
Fr. Edwin D'souza, Rector of the Shrine, was the chief sponsorer of the event. He was the chief guest for the inaugural function and declared the rally open. The rising of the balloons with the words of the motto "Planted in Christ, Firm in the Faith" set the tone for the day.
This was followed by a session 'Called to be Rooted in Christ' taken by Fr. Glenn Lowe sdb. Using audio visuals and a well prepared handout, he made the theme meaningful to the youngsters.
After the session the altar server's joined the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, presided over by Fr. Michael Fernandes SDB, Provincial of Mumbai Province. He spoke about the importance of the altar servers in the Church, and how they can be apostles of Christ in their own way.
Post lunch was followed by a time of fun and frolic and all the altar servers joined in relay games in the school quadrangle. It was a festive sight when this session ended with all the youngsters chasing balloons all over the place with joyful cheer.
The Games session was followed by thirteen skit presentations by the various parishes and groups. The skits were based on Biblical Personalities. They were well prepared and well presented. Putting up these skits itself would have been an exercise in building oneself in Christ and becoming firm in the faith.
At the end of program Fr. Ajoy Fernandes sdb, the Vice Provincial of the Mumbai Province, gave the Vote of thanks. Fr. Allwyn concluded the program with a small prayer. The altar servers' had tea and were sent to back to respective parishes with a Bible each, emphasizing that they were young apostles to the world.
This Rally was conducted under the leadership of Fr. Brian Moras sdb. He was assisted by Sr. Rita Lobo FMA, Sr. Mary Cherian FMA, Dn Osborn sdb, Bro. Charles sdb, the staff of DBYS and forty young volunteers. They met over a series of meetings to prepare for this event.
The event was attended by around four hundred Altar Servers accompanied by their animators.