Patole Anthony
WADALA, JANUARY 03, 2012: Twelve youth in the age group of sixteen to nineteen years, accompanied by three adult animators and Fr. Anthony Fernandes visited Shelter Don Bosco on December 31, 2011 at 10 am. The visit was a part of the Youth Exposure Programme organized by the diocese of Limburg (Germany) and the Archdiocese of Bombay. They wanted to experience how poor children live in Mumbai, and the efforts the Catholic Church is making to assist them. Fr. Rector oriented them with the history and work of Shelter Don Bosco inside and outside Shelter. He also cleared the queries and doubts of the German youth. A short documentary on Shelter prepared by one boy and a Power Point presentation of the process the boys go through was screened. The German youth had few party games and interacted with the Shelter boys.
The Smile organization also stepped in with their Christmas message for the boys. Girls from the smile organization sang carols and entertained the boys and the Germans with dances.
Prizes were distributed for the fete games, which were conducted on the evening of December 26. the boys were allowed to choose their prizes from the open token shop. they were happy and delighted as the were allowed to choose their own prizes.