Rather than get the VEP children from the twenty three centres to the Don Bosco residence in Suket, the team decided this year, to train a few class IX students and visit all the VEP centres in their settings, beginning from January 22, 2012. Groups were made of four and five centres as per the proximity of their location, and a day was allotted to them. The programme in each of the centres included cultural programme staged by the VEP tuition teachers with the students who frequent the classes, and a skit towards the awareness of the need to frequent schools prepared by the students of Don Bosco Vidyalaya under the guidance of Fr. Francis Fernandes and Fr. Ajit Munis.
The VEP children got an occasion to meet their neighbouring friends along with their village folk who turned up in large numbers. All those present seemed highly appreciative of the work and the initiative taken by the Salesians of Don Bosco to enthuse children in the villages to take interest in education which is a window to a world of opportunities.
Special thanks and praises were also showered at the various venues by the children and elders of the village to the VEP co-ordinator, Fr. Glen Fernandes and the VEP supervisor for their tireless and patient follow up of the VEP classes throughout the year.