WADALA, FEBRUARY 07, 2012: Someone once rightly said, "It takes a minute to say 'Hello' and forever to say 'Goodbye'!" These were precisely the sentiments of the staff and students of St. Joseph's, when it was time to bid farewell to a beautiful batch of students – the students of standard X.
An excellent farewell programme for the outgoing students of Std. X was organized by the students and the class teachers of Std. IX. It began with a very significant prayer service where the Principal, Rev. Fr. Bernard Fernandes, lit the lamp and the staff went on stage to sing a prayer song invoking God's blessings on the students of Std X. At the end of the prayer service, Fr. Principal addressing the students of Std X, congratulated them for being an outstanding batch who proved to be an example to the other students - a batch who knew how to balance sports, extra curricular activities and studies, a batch that enjoyed freedom and yet careful to take up responsibilities for their actions. He wished them luck and assured them of our constant support and love for them.
A string of entertaining programmes, very tastefully prepared by the teachers of the various classes, followed thereafter. The students of standards V and VI danced to some popular Bollywood songs. The students of Std. VII, with their melodious voices, sang the beautiful hymn "Like a sunflower Lord". The students of Std. VIII and IX along with Mr. Bosco, danced to a medley of retro Bollywood numbers that regaled the audience thoroughly. A well prepared power point presentation by the students of Std. IX took our students of Std. X down nostalgic memory lane. The head boy Rhishabh Despande, then speaking on behalf of all the students of std. X, struck a chord with the audience. Next, the class monitors of Std. X A and X B presented the Principal a small gift in appreciation for all that they received from the school for twelve long years.
The much awaited program – the Josephite King – was conducted with much pomp and fanfare with as many as twenty students vying for the most coveted crown. In a tough and close competition that followed, Vardhaman Shah was crowned the Josephite King. Unmil Mody was conferred the honor of the Josephite Prince while Krish Mehta was declared the Runner up of the competition.