Vivian DeSouza sdb
WADALA, FEBRUARY 25, 2012: The Parish of Wadala celebrated Bible Sunday on February 19, 2012. The Bible was solemnly enthroned at the Parish Mass at 8.15a.m. At every mass on Saturday evening and through Sunday, two members of the Bible Study Class shared their personal experience of what the Bible meant to them and how they benefited from reading and studying the Bible. Posters, flyers and bookmarks were made available to the parishioners at all masses to encourage them to read the Bible and draw benefit from the Study of the Bible at the Wednesday Bible Classes held in the parish. Besides, the members put up a stall to sell Bibles and other related books and CDs at subsidized rates.
The Bible cell now plans to have a study on the Passion narratives during the Wednesdays of Lent.