Sandhya Jain

A token of love was given by our School Captain, Mst. Ninad Chaphekar and Mrs. Dorothy Gomes on behalf of the Primary section. The teachers sang a melodious song each one unanimously expressing the fact that we shall miss Fr. Ronnie immensely.
Father Principal, who has learnt a lot from him, expressed that Rev. Fr. Rector has always taught and added to these lines "Love what the children love and the children will love you for it…
Make them feel and tell them they are Loved."
Make them feel and tell them they are Loved."
In this techno-savvy world, Fr. Rector in his speech transformed (P.P.T) power point presentation to be more meaningful and value educative. Now our kids know that apart from the computer software, there is a school software of
P – Principal
P – Parents
T – Teachers
who should be obeyed and genuinely respected for their efforts and endeavours.
P – Principal
P – Parents
T – Teachers
who should be obeyed and genuinely respected for their efforts and endeavours.
An album which was painstakingly prepared by Our Headmistress, Mrs. Marina D'Souza has the emotions of the Primary and Pre-Primary teachers put down in words, encased within… A valuable thought encasing with the strings of love tied by our Head-mistress. It was presented by Mrs. Rupali Walwaikar with the entire staff. Mrs. Molita presented a token of appreciation on behalf of the Pre-Primary section.
Fr. Ronnie, we shall miss you immensely,
The Good Morning's and pleasant sunshine,
The stories and enactments,
The claps and anecdotes,
The books and inspiring talks,
Promise us Dear Father to come to Don Bosco soon
For a pleasant, warm and caring walk.
The Good Morning's and pleasant sunshine,
The stories and enactments,
The claps and anecdotes,
The books and inspiring talks,
Promise us Dear Father to come to Don Bosco soon
For a pleasant, warm and caring walk.
Dear Father you have really left prints on our hearts and we will never find another you.