WADALA, APRIL 05, 2012: Two special days and two memorable events for our juniors! On March 29, the students of Std. IV were a bundle of mixed emotions. After all, this was their special moment in time as they enter a new phase in their life. Our senior kindergarten students said a fond goodbye to their sheltered pre-school life on their Graduation Day on April 03, 2012.
The farewell program for the students of Std. IV had an array of well prepared items – prayer dance, role play on famous Bollywood and TV personalities, a dance and a power point presentation specially prepared for Std. IV students that took them down memory lane and got them to cherish every moment spent in the Primary section. With the song 'This little guiding light of mine' on their lips, the students of Std. IV held the lit candles in their hands proclaiming their desire to be shining lights in the world. Rev. Fr. Godfrey D'Sa, our Rector and chief guest for the occasion, advised our 'senior most students' of the primary section to practice the values they held close to their hearts and work hard to achieve success. Our Principal, Fr. Bernard Fernandes, in his vote of thanks, praised and thanked the students and teachers of Std. III for the well planned and executed farewell program.

The graduates of our kindergarten had another story to tell. Erudite and dapperly in appearance in their graduation gowns and mortarboards, our young boys of Sr. KG were the cynosure of all eyes at the specially prepared program for them on their Graduation Day. They marched confidently in the hall to the applause of the gathering and took the special seats reserved for them. They had some sound advice from Professor L.L.D. in the form of a song. The chief guest, Fr. Vivian D'Souza, encouraged the students, the staff and the parents in his own inimitable manner, to love learning while relating it to life. At the solemn convocation address, the tiny tots promised to give their best in studies and the other activities of the school. Soon every Sr. KG student marched up to the stage to collect his cherished graduation certificate from the chief guest. Impressive indeed it was!
The scholastic year draws to a close, and before long we notice our students have grown and 'graduated' in studies. They have become wise, strong and developed as persons. After all is that not the aim of education?!