BIS Mumbai                                  



Shania D'Costa

Each group had been assigned a passage from the Holy Bible which they had to enact and were given sixty seconds to fame, during the camp fire. The team members put their heads together and planned for the evening. After this, the groups were assigned home chores like sweeping the drive, watering the garden, cleaning the chapel, preparing for the campfire etc. The campers then launched for a treasure hunt in the church premises itself that kept all the team members rummage here and there for clues to find the treasure. This was followed by a break and hot spicy ' The campers then proceeded to refresh and prepare for the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Mass was animated by the members of the Budding Animators Group. After mass the campers feasted on a sumptuous '' for their dinner.rasnawadapav's'.PavBhaji
The Grand campfire began with Fr. Lawrence D'souza the parish priest of Resurrection Church, by lighting the camp fire and declaring the camp night open. All the groups made a lovely presentation on the Biblical passage assigned to them. During the sixty seconds to fame, the campers displayed their talent in dance, singing, acting, jokes, acrobatics etc. The camp fire was not only an enjoyable event but an opportunity to display one's talent and appreciate others for theirs. Despite these many activities there were campers who played 'antakshari' after which the lights were out. Fr. Osborn and the members of the Budding Animators Group had a court of honour during which they evaluated the camp fire. The second day of the camp began with religious music at 6.30am the campers had their breakfast at 8.00 and left for home.Overall the camp was really enjoyable. Thanks to the permission and opportunity given by Fr. Lawrence D'souza and the help and support given by Fr. Osborn and Br. Bosco. Besides learning things, the campers learnt the art of relating with one another and caring for them. The Budding Animators Group indeed, helped the campers bag the honour of growing in love with one another. 

The Budding Animators Group Maryelle, Melrose, Sharissa, Shania, Rohan and Mark along with the help of Cl. Bosco C and Fr. Osborn Furtado the Assistant Parish Priest of Resurrection Church organized an overnight camp at Resurrection church on April 19-20, 2012 for the Catholic students from VI to IX standard. The theme of the camp was 'Growing in wisdom and love'. The camp began at 10.00am in the morning and ended the next day at 8.00am. There were all together forty campers along with the organizers.The camp began with the setting up of the tents, then the campers were divided into different groups to work on activities like preparing a team name, yell and badge for the team members. The campers watched a movie clipping on Don Bosco that showed his trust in God's Divine Providence. After viewing the movie there was a lunch break where all the campers shared their food items with each other. Later on a session was taken on scouting knots. The campers were taught different types of knots like the Reef knot, Fisherman's knot and Marlinspike with which they made a few gadgets like ladder, a bottle holder etc. VIRAR,APRIL 27, 2012;


Don Bosco Provincial House,
Matunga, Mumbai - 400 019. INDIA