BIS Mumbai
By Br. Anthony Patole
DAKOR-GUJARAT, MARCH 09, 2013: The Social Department of Dakor Salesian Society under the name <![if !vml]>
<![endif]>"DEEP" (Don Bosco Empowerment for Emancipation of Peoples) was launched in Thasra taluka in the month of August 2012, and in the last seven months the staff has been able to establish thirty three Self Help Groups in sixteen villages.

In the light of surmounting atrocities against woman, DEEP decided to highlight the issue of Women's Security as its theme for this year's International Women's Day organized for the women of Thasra taluka on March 08, 2013. The event took place in two parts.
In the first part, the four hundred ninety strong gathering of women took part in a rally around Dakor town holding placards and shouting slogans on Women's <![if !vml]>
<![endif]>Security and Rights issues. Simultaneously twenty women from among these, accompanied by Frs. Mayank and Isaac went to the Mamlathdhar's Office in Thasra and handed a memorandum stating their concerns and expectations from the said office.

In the memorandum, the following points were highlighted:
1. In keeping with the 2005 law against Domestic Violence, to nominate a Protection Officer at the Taluka Level and also to setup an Institution providing Social Security.
2. Awareness programmes highlighting issues of violence against women and their Security Rights to be conducted by Police and Government Officials as suggested in the 2005 law against Domestic Violence.
3. To institute a Helpline for Women's Security.
4. Criminal cases related to violence against woman to be handled at the earliest.
Attached to this memorandum was a police record sheet of the registered cases of violence against women at the Dakor Police Station; news reports of Violence against women that appeared in the newspapers from November 2012 to February 2013; and the signatures of all four hundred ninety members of the SHGs that come under DEEP.
The rally in Dakor town climaxed with an official function in the Don Bosco Campus. This function was graced with the presence of Mrs. S.V. Shimpi <![if !vml]>
<![endif]>Police Inspector (Kheda District, Nadiad Branch Police Station), Advocate Sr. Manjula and other members of the management.

The peak point of the Dakor Rally was the reading and handing over of the memorandum by one of the SHG Women to Mrs. S.V. Shimpi PI. After receiving the memorandum, Mrs. Shimpi addressed the gathering and assured the women of giving an adequate response to their issues. She said, "Though Indian society has always been dictated on the terms of men, we women can still fight against it and achieve our rights through legal processes." Following this, she inaugurated the first souvenir of the DEEP organization. The first part of the Women's Day Celebrations concluded with the reading of the annual <![if !vml]>
<![endif]>report by Mr. Vijay Parmar Centre-Co-ordinator for Social Works in which he mentioned that the savings of all groups put together has already grossed Rs. 1 lakh.

The second part of the day post lunch consisted of the Resource Input delivered by Advocate Sr. Manjula who made the women aware of their rights. She also showed how they could take necessary steps to achieve their rights. Following this, the SHG's from various villages gave a cultural programme consisting of garba, folk songs and dramatics. At the end, the social service staff of DEEP thanked all the dignitaries, women and all those who made the day a success. The hard work of the staff is highly commendable. "May the light of DEEP shine on."