by BIS correspondent 


BORIVILI-MUMBAI, JULY 11, 2013: The Yellow House day for the high school students at Don Bosco, Borivili, was celebrated on the 10th of July 2013. The program brought out the virtues and good deeds of the revolutionary Savitribai Phule. The program began on an auspicious note, invoking the blessings of the patron Saint - Dominic Savio. The skit that followed highlighted the struggles of Savitribai Phule's life. It was inspiring to learn about Savitribai's road to glory and   her numerous achievements and hardships.

Women, in today's Indian society, are given much more respect than they were given in the medieval ages. They owe it all to Savitribai Phule. Videos regarding women's empowerment and education were presented. One of them included information and facts about the 'Udaan Project' in India for girls' education which was really enlightening. There was also a short PowerPoint Presentation on the life of Savitribai Phule. In the end, the audience was inspired by the story of Savitribai Phule to aim for the sky.