KARJAT-MAHARASHTRA, NOVEMBER 13, 2013: On 11th November, 2013 Rector major Rev.Fr. Pascual Chavez, Vicar General Rev.Fr. Adriano Bregolin and Rector Major's personal secretary Fr. Bartholome visited Don Bosco Karjat. It was an impromptu visit gifted by God almighty which was made possible by the dynamic new provincial Fr.Godfrey D'Souza.
As he reached the house, the simple drum beats and the smiling faces filled his heart. All present were emotionally moved to see Don Bosco himself in the form of Rector Major.
There was a welcome song prepared by Br. Savio Demello and a 3 minutes skit in English by the boys explaining their experience, after which Fr. Xavier Devadas explained in gist the Youth Empowerment program at Don Bosco Karjat.
Rector Major was much impressed by the process of Empowerment i.e. 'Earning to learn and learning to Earn'. The biggest moment of surprise came when Rector major moved from his place to deliver his message. He went in front of the trainees seated on the floor and he too sat down with them not as a mere gesture of solidarity but he remained there till the end of his speech.
Here is the father who comes searching for the marginalized sons and finding them pitched his tent among them. Words are poor tools to express the precious lessons he taught. He said "Dear Boys you may be financially poor but your hearts are rich. God Loves you and you are precious to Don Bsoco. Here you have an opportunity to learn values, skill and get empowered. You are neither alone nor unwanted. Here you have to prepare yourselves well with a skill to enter the world of work, lest the industry marginalize and exploit you. Like Don Bosco you too must have a dream and make it come true and you have a very good model in Mahatma Gandhi the father of the nation. "
Earlier this year Don Bosco karjat won The Pascual Cavez award 2012, for innovative intervention. During the visitation Rector Major himself presented the award again to the community. As Br. Savio and Fr. Xavier received the award from him it was a moment of sheer joy. It was an affirmation of success of all the hard work put in by so many along the path of Youth Empowerment.
He appreciated the integrated process of 'the boys taking care of the Eco project and in turn the proceeds from the Eco project supporting the boys. He made a quick visit to newly built training work shop and was happy that efforts are made to give such deserving youth a better training facility. In addition Fr. Vicar General was delighted and proud that one of his pupils Fr. Manolo Boragina sdb was instrumental in financing this new training shed of 6000 sq feet.
Rector Major and Vicar General blessed the community, embraced and loved them and asked them to keep up the good work. He assured them that Don Bosco is always by their side to light up their path and help them along their journey of rebuilding the lives of the marginalized youth.