BHINGAR-AHMEDNAGAR, DECEMBER, 19, 2013: Carol singing season began with the youth from Bhingar Parish accompanied by Santa Claus
making a round of Bura Nagar Village to sing Christmas carols on 9th December 2013, the yatra in honour of the Immaculate Conception.
After carol singing, there was Holy Mass to celebrate the Yatra and then a snehabhojan. Each house was visited while an elated Santa Claus sang and danced for the homes in the village. On 10th December, the Bhingar Junior choir again went to St Francis Xavier Zone, Dairy farm, sang hymns for the Yatra Mass on the occasion of the feast of St Francis Xavier and sang carols in the homes of the people till late night accompanied by Santa Claus, dancing with the family.
On 11th December, Fr. Nelson Falcao visited Khandke village for the inauguration of a new grotto and celebrated mass. Fr Bento and the youth choir sang carols in Vellankani Zone accompanied by Santa Claus. On 12thDecember, St. Pauls’ Zone, Vaidhya Colony in the heart of the Army enclave, had Carol singing and the visit of Santa Claus, accompanied by the two priests of the parish, Fr Nelson and Bento. Each one at home was wished Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New year.