by Romanius Barwa
NASHIK, AUGUST 12, 2015: Father Ivo Coelho, the General Councillor for Formation of the Salesian Congregation, helped to instil a renewed spirit of enthusiasm in the Salesian community of Divyadaan, Nashik during his week-long visit on August 9.
Father Coelho spent most of his time interacting with and listening to the concerns and challenges faced by the novices and also encouraged all to take this stage of the vocational journey seriously with personal dedication and responsibility.
He shared his thoughts at the Holy Eucharist and in a conference on "The Life of Prayer".
On August 4, Father Coelho addressed students of the Institute of Philosophy (SDBs and OFM Caps) during which he exhorted one and all to 'enjoy the philosophical journey' they have embarked upon while always paying close attention to the 'local context'.
Father Coelho, who till his recent appointment as General Councillor for Formation, was a regular professor teaching courses on Methodology, Hermeneutics etc. called for all to develop the ability to question and seek the truth.
He then presided over a Curatorium meeting on August 6, that was attended by Father Godfrey D'Souza, the Provincial of Mumbai and Father Ian Figueiredo, the Provincial of Panjim-Konkan.
The meeting, which is held annually, is meant to guide and strengthen the formation process of Divyadaan.