by Georgina D'souza
KUWAIT, SEP 19, 2015: Don Bosco school in Kuwait was abuzz on September 11, as the parish celebrated the fourth altar servers annual appreciation event that was organised by the Salesian Cooperators.
This celebration was held to express gratitude to the altar servers who attend the Saturday Oratory program and the monthly altar servers meeting.
The boys were given points for the services rendered and those with the most points were rewarded for their contribution. Only youth with a stipulated number of points every month were welcomed to join the picnic, play tournaments and participate in other events.
The point system acts as an incentive for altar servers to be more participative in church activities. Off the 120 altar servers in the parish, only 55 qualified for the event, by scoring the required points.
The event began with a prayer and an inspirational talk by assistant parish priest, Father Johnson.
Then, Chris D'costa (with 715 points), Darren Sebastian (with 606 points) and Rozario Sequeira (with 486 points) were felicitated for their contribution.
Father Derrick then awarded 15 boys with medals for their outstanding service.
Father Lionel Braganza finally presented each boy with a certificate. Father Braganza's message brought to light the true value and blessings of being close to the priest at the altar, celebrating Holy Mass.
He also reflected on the pride and joy his parents experienced when he would serve mass, as a youngster.
He asked, "Who wants to become a priest?"
To which, thirty five boys - infused with enthusiasm and encouragement - raised their hands high.
The fellowship was followed by the playing of games and distribution of gifts.
"The dance and music was the best part of the day and DJ Marcus was fab," Kevin Gomes, who attended the event, said.
A vote of thanks for the nine coordinators of the Altar Boys Ministry was given by Salesian Cooperator Stanley, as he appreciated their selfless dedication in grooming the Altar Servers. The event ended with a dance session and sumptuous dinner.