by BIS Correspondent
NAVI MUMBAI, OCT 31, 2015: The old adage, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", holds true even today; and Dominic Savio Kindergarten, Nerul ensured students in their care set aside their books for a day, to compete in their 10th Annual sports meet on October 30.
The theme for the event was 'Flowers.' Students from pre-nursery classes performed march past.
They then presented a spectacular display of drills. Playgroup A & B presented a drill display on 'Sunflower.'

The event concluded with the prize distribution for the winners of the various classes by the chief guest.
The chief guest, Agnes Roshan - a Special educator - Radcliffe School, Kharghar was very impressed with the theme-based drills that were held.
The importance of sport has been time and again stressed world-over. "Through play children explore, invent and create. They also develop social skills, learn to express their emotions, and gain confidence about their own capabilities," a statement from UNICEF claims.
"Early childhood marks a critical period in the life of a child, and can set the foundation for healthy development and life-long learning. Research shows that early childhood is the most critical period for brain development, and that experiences in the first years of life have more lasting impact on mental health and development than any others."
"Throughout the life of a child, sport and play can be valuable tools to promote health and prevent disease, both through sport itself, and through the participatory act of watching others play, with the associated communication, education and social interaction that games can produce."