by Father Kiran Salve


WALVANDA, OCT 24, 2017: Bosco Samajik Vikas Sanstha (BSVS) under the guidance of Father Anaclete D'Mello organised Diwali celebration for the neighbourhood children on October 16 at Walvanda, with the twofold intention of giving them the joy of Diwali and encouraging them to come for tuition classes at the campus.


The programme began at 3 pm with the lighting of the lamp, followed by Father D'Mello giving a Diwali message to the children. In a cultural programme that followed the children showcased their talents. The kids were then explained the rules of playing the fete games, which were organised by the Technical boys. 


In order to conduct the event in an organised manner, the ground work of preparing the children was done by the village animators, who visited five schools and all the Padas of Walvanda Gampanchayat.


The Diwali celebration was enjoyed by 400 children. The fete games were most popular. The day ended with a small message on preservation of nature and distribution of Diwali sweets.