by Father Solomon Rapol
MUMBAI, FEB 3, 2018: Don Bosco’s ‘Preventive System of Education’ formed the crux of celebrations at Bosco Boys Home, Borivli, on January 31, as students, staff and management gathered to celebrate the feast of Saint Don Bosco, the founder of the Salesians.
Father Murzello was astonished by the prompt answers from all the boys to his questions related to the life of Saint John Bosco. He highlighted the ‘Essence of Don Bosco's Preventive System of Real education’, which is fundamentally based on three pillars: reason, religion and loving-kindness and he urged all the youngsters to reach out to those less fortunate in the society. “In this way the mission of Don Bosco would continue to spread around the globe,” he said.
Father Murzello also highlighted that the concept of ‘Right to Education’ was the brainchild of Saint John Bosco and was implemented by him 150 years ago - ‘that all youth have a right to education and no one should be deprived of basic education’.
He gave an example of Bartolomew, a 16 year old youth who was illiterate and was rejected by society but accepted by Saint John Bosco for his simple gift of whistling. This acceptance became a turning point in the life Bartolomew which boosted his self-esteem.
After the Eucharistic celebration, a range of games for all the boys and housie for Salesian Cooperators and well-wishers was conducted. A jam session followed and added to the celebratory mood.