by Wilfred Vaz
KUWAIT, May 22, 2018: For the spiritual nourishment of all the parishioners involved in active ministry, as lectors, extra-ordinary ministers, choir members, etc, the Church of the St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Salmiya, Kuwait, held a recollection titled 'Jesus Experience' on May 19.

Father Pereira read the Gospel passage from John 1:35-42, and explained the seven steps that helps us experience Jesus in a very tangible manner. The two disciples of John the Baptist desired something more than just fishing; they had an inner thirst to meet God (verses 37). John points out to them 'Here is the lamb of God' (verse 36) and the two disciples go to Jesus who asks them 'What do you seek' (verse 38). "In our lives too we should have the innate desire for God; there will be pointers that will help us in our search for Him," Father Pereira, said.
The two disciples then asked Jesus where he lived and the reply was 'Come and see' (verse 39). They went, accepting the invitation; they saw and remained with him (verse 39), and had their encounter with Jesus. With the encounter they were transformed (verse 42); Simon became Peter. The transformation empowers us to evangelize (verse 41). "It is something new that I have learned today; the seven steps will change the manner in which I read the Scripture hence forth," Janet D'Cruz of the Liturgical Ministry, said.

"The explanation and the exercises truly culminated in all the participants encountering a deep, rich and meaningful Jesus experience," Anto John, parish council member, said.
To fortify the encounter and the understanding of the participants, Father Pereira conducted a second exercise wherein two questions out of ten were to be discussed by the respective groups based on the discussion points that were mentioned. Once again the observation of all the groups was summarized and Father Pereira added further insight.
The learning lesson from the second exercise was that: the more we are forgiven, the more we love (example: Simon the Leper and the woman who brought perfume); we should willing share our resources and God will multiply them (example: the boy who gave the five loaves and the two fish); God comes to meet us where we are (example: the Angel coming to Mary to give the Annunciation message and then to Joseph).
Father Pereira then highlighted how we can enrich our Jesus experience by reading the Word of God, through which God comes to meet us. "I was astounded to know that even today, God Almighty comes to meet us and deliver us from our afflictions," Elizabeth D'Souza from the Legion of Mary, said.
Holy Mass was then celebrated and in his homily, Father Pereira enumerated the seven steps as contained in the First Reading on Moses and the burning bush (Book of Exodus), highlighting the encounter with God and the consequent deliverance of the Israelites from 400 years of slavery. He drew a parallel, admonishing us how God can deliver us from our bondages, sinfulness and afflictions. "It was a very good spiritual enrichment and a soul refreshing one. Looking forward to the next Recollection," Christopher Pereira, Altar Servers coordinator, said.
At the conclusion of the recollection, Father Pereira gave every participant a souvenir and a Bible bookmark containing the seven steps.