by Tezasvi Chowdhari
MUMBAI, JUNE 6, 2018: Shelter Don Bosco celebrated its Annual Thanksgiving Day on May 31, to express their heartfelt gratitude to those who have helped them grow and enabled Shelter to develop.
The premises were adorned with flowers, balloons and artwork made by the children. The Shelter boys prepared their home beautifully to welcome their guests -benefactors, volunteers, teachers, Cooperators, family members of the staff.
The function commenced with a welcome song in Bahubali style followed by the invocation of the Almighty with the lighting of the lamp by dignitaries, staff and a melodious prayer song by the boys.

Yuvraj Pandey on behalf of all the Shelter boys thanked all the Salesians of Don Bosco, Shelter staff, benefactors, volunteers, Cooperators and well-wishers for aiding them through the year.
The main feature of the programme was a musical skit 'Aashayein' by Jannat media production, who with the Shelter boys, presented their life stories. The skit aimed to show that although all Shelter boys are given equal opportunities, only those who dare to dream big, believe in themselves and persevere in their endevour to achieve are successful at the end. The skit was informative yet entertaining with its dance performances, background music, props and lights.
A video presentation of the Annual Report of Shelter Don Bosco showcased the history, vision, mission and events of 2017-2018. In order to felicitate the boys, Father D'Almeida along with Father Savio Silveira, Vice Provincial of Mumbai province, Vijay Doiphode, CWC Chairperson and Nishant Sinha, MGL CSR Manager presented gifts to the boys –in various categories - thereby encouraging them to grow in self confidence.
Grace John, the outreach staff, was given a special award for her extraordinary service of 19 years for street children. The cultural programme concluded with the recital of the anthem song 'Dream Believe Achieve' - three magical words of inspiration. The day ended with a fellowship meal and gifts for the guests as a token of love and appreciation.