by Rosy Stephen
Prajakta Dalvi and Anita Khenwal, along with the Co-ordinator of Activities, Father Velasli Bandya, spear headed the organisation of the event that commenced with a prayer, followed by the lighting of the lamp.
The judges, Suraj Sarawate, Akshay Salve and Anishri Masal, all past pupils, dancers and choreographers, were welcomed and felicitated with floral bouquets and mementos presented by the school appointees.
The Principal, Ruth Dethe - in her address – said, "Dance is the most beautiful and most powerful expression of beauty on earth. It is the hidden language of the soul. It's an expression without a lie."
The dance competition was divided into two categories, namely the senior category for students from standard nine to 12; junior category for students from standard five to eight.
The comperes added life to the event. Their good humour was infectious. The participants enthralled everyone with their performances. They brought alive the theme of the year – Explore, Enrich and Evolve!
The judges complimented the effort put in by the participants of all four houses, before declaring the results. Father Velasli, the vice-principal, extended his gratitude to the judges and to the students and staff for making the competition a success.