by Debjani Bhattacharya
NAVI MUMBAI, JAN 23, 2019: Don Bosco-Nerul celebrated its thirteenth Annual Thanksgiving Day on January 17 and 18 with joie de vivre.
Father Ajoy Fernandes, Director of Prafulta – Matunga and Don Bosco Research Centre- Matunga presided as the chief guest on January 17, while Father Adolph Furtado, Vice Rector and administrator at Bosco Boys Home, Borivli graced the occasion on January 18.
The Guests of Honour were the students of class X and XII and their parents on January 17, while the Vice-Chairpersons of the Parent Teacher Association on January 18. The other dignitaries included Father Bonnie Borges, the manager, Father Donald Fernandez, the Principal, the headmistress and supervisors of the school.
The dignitaries were escorted to their seats followed by the pinning of badges. The programme commenced with the tiny tots of pre-primary welcoming the gathering with a welcome dance. A prayer dance was presented by the students of class one and two.
This was followed by the prize distribution ceremony, where the Chief Guest gave away prizes to the students with 100% attendance and the general proficiency awards for meritorious performances in academics, sports, and co-curricular activities held throughout the year.
Speaking on the occasion Father Fernandes emphasised the need of ‘Celebrating life’ the way it presents itself every day and making the most of it. Father D’Souza wished that love and kindness should rain in every home where children learn not only to respect and honour but also be tolerant and faithful.
The annual report guided the audience on the visual journey of the scholastic year 2018-19 synopsizing most events, activities, and happenings. A coffee table book,‘ Our Journey’ illustrating the vibrancy of the Institute, the progress of the students, milestones achieved in the last three years through pictures and articles was released by the Chief Guest.
The most awaited amalgamation of song, dance, and drama, ‘The Lion King’ based on the theme of the year ‘Listening and Accompaniment’ was then presented. The musical emphasised the art of listening that is reciprocal for teachers, parents, and children. Several values were carried home by the audience like ‘Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble’ or ‘Don’t dwell too much on the past’.
"Playing a negative character isn’t really easy as you have to go against the ethos you stand for but we take lessons for life from such characters," Nigel George of class IX, who played the role of Scar in the musical said. “The stellar performances mesmerised and entranced the audience throughout and was akin to experiencing a broadway show,” Shikha Verma, a parent said.
The programme culminated with the vote of thanks proposed by the Principal, Father Fernandez who said it was planning, hard work, teamwork, and minute detailing that made the Thanksgiving day worthy to be etched in one's memory forever. The audience dispersed with the catch-line of the play on their lips, ‘Hakuna Matata’ meaning ‘No worries’.

NAVI MUMBAI, JAN 23, 2019: Don Bosco-Nerul celebrated its thirteenth Annual Thanksgiving Day on January 17 and 18 with joie de vivre.
Father Ajoy Fernandes, Director of Prafulta – Matunga and Don Bosco Research Centre- Matunga presided as the chief guest on January 17, while Father Adolph Furtado, Vice Rector and administrator at Bosco Boys Home, Borivli graced the occasion on January 18.
The Guests of Honour were the students of class X and XII and their parents on January 17, while the Vice-Chairpersons of the Parent Teacher Association on January 18. The other dignitaries included Father Bonnie Borges, the manager, Father Donald Fernandez, the Principal, the headmistress and supervisors of the school.

This was followed by the prize distribution ceremony, where the Chief Guest gave away prizes to the students with 100% attendance and the general proficiency awards for meritorious performances in academics, sports, and co-curricular activities held throughout the year.
Speaking on the occasion Father Fernandes emphasised the need of ‘Celebrating life’ the way it presents itself every day and making the most of it. Father D’Souza wished that love and kindness should rain in every home where children learn not only to respect and honour but also be tolerant and faithful.
The annual report guided the audience on the visual journey of the scholastic year 2018-19 synopsizing most events, activities, and happenings. A coffee table book,‘ Our Journey’ illustrating the vibrancy of the Institute, the progress of the students, milestones achieved in the last three years through pictures and articles was released by the Chief Guest.
The most awaited amalgamation of song, dance, and drama, ‘The Lion King’ based on the theme of the year ‘Listening and Accompaniment’ was then presented. The musical emphasised the art of listening that is reciprocal for teachers, parents, and children. Several values were carried home by the audience like ‘Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble’ or ‘Don’t dwell too much on the past’.

The programme culminated with the vote of thanks proposed by the Principal, Father Fernandez who said it was planning, hard work, teamwork, and minute detailing that made the Thanksgiving day worthy to be etched in one's memory forever. The audience dispersed with the catch-line of the play on their lips, ‘Hakuna Matata’ meaning ‘No worries’.