By BIS Correspondent
MUMBAI, MAR 24, 2019: St. Joseph ITI (SJITI) commemorated its 54th Annual Day on March 17, 2019, with immense fervour. The SJITI apprentice used the opportunity to showcase their skills by way of project exhibition and a cultural event.
The event commenced at 4 pm with an exhibit of the projects conceptualised and fabricated by the 38 trainees. Through these projects, the trainees demonstrated their levels of innovation and craftsmanship. The projec
ts included a robotic arm, MPFI fuel system, camping stove etc.
Amarr Prabhu, Principal SJITI read out the Annual Report 2017-18 which comprised the events and achievements of the Institute. The Corporate Social Responsibility team of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited presented a cheque sponsoring equipment for six labs and one automation lab amounting to approximately 98 lakhs.
Aditya Birla sponsored 22 lakhs to develop six smart classrooms and a video conferencing facility. MGL sponsored 11.5 lakhs for deserving impoverished trainees of the Institute.
The next feather in the cap was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with JK files, who will administer guest lectures, train the trainers, provide curriculum support, and supply tools on very subsidised rates. Another MOU was inked with Seth Bhojraj Charitable Trust who proposed to donate machinery worth 20 lakhs.
The Annual Day also recognised the achievements of the pupils and staff. Shekhar Karkera won second place at the Toyota Instructors Skill Competition in the Auto Body Repair category. Saifali Khan won the bronze medal at the India Skills competition in 2018 in the Refrigeration and Air-conditioning category.
The trainees and guests were then addressed by Sunil Aima, CEO Savita Oil Technologies Ltd, who drew their attention to giving back to society by educating oneself and devising opportunities for the next generation. He appreciated the endevours of the apprentice and instructors for developing coherent projects.
The trainees were applauded for their triumph in academics with mementos and certificates. The pupils made it an indelible evening with their shadow act for the first time in SJITI which was followed by the vote of thanks by Shekhar Karkera.