by Ramona Crasto and Donovan Ferrao
KUWAIT, APRIL 16, 2019: To deepen the Lenten spiritual experience, Salmiya Parish Youth (SPY) from St. Therese of the Child Jesus Church, Kuwait, organised an overnight Youth Pasch at Don Bosco school from 8 pm to 8 am on April 14. Around 70 youth from the four parishes of Kuwait attended the Lenten youth retreat titled ‘Youth Pasch 2019’ that took the participants through Christs’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
“It is very heartwarming to see weeks of preparation come to fruition in the smiles and tears of the participants. This is one of the most important events of the year. One that calls every young adult during the most important time of our Christian calendar – Lent, to renew their friendship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Paloma D’sa, SPY animator, said.
The event started off with an introduction, signing of the commitment and welcome by SPY’s Spiritual Director Father Lionel Braganza. Participants were then divided into different groups. Various group discussions based on Bible verses of the three iconic days brought each group closer, as they shared their personal experiences and thoughts with each other. Father Franco Pereira explained the importance of the liturgy of the Paschal Triduum.
Maundy Thursday session began with the youth conducting a skit on one of the most iconic paintings of our time, ‘The Last Supper’. The night then proceeded to the most awaited part where Father Braganza and Father Pereira, with the help of Salesian Cooperators, recreated the Jewish Passover meal as a Catholic resemblance of what Jesus performed at the Last Supper with his disciples. Each plate had the seven food items of the Seder meal, along with four glasses of wine, each representing an important part of the meal.

The participants then washed and kissed each other’s feet just like Jesus did after the Last Supper. “Staying awake with Jesus was like being one of the apostles who was told to stay awake at Gethsemane. During the washing of the feet, I was least expecting to have to kiss the feet of my group mates. But in fact, it was the most humbling experience one can go through, as it helped me understand a completely different aspect of humility. Overall the experience was beautiful and really helped me better understand the events that took place during the Holy Week,” Roseandro D’costa, said.
Good Friday dawned with a eulogy with different characters that met Jesus on His way to Calvary. “Being a part of something so emotional and heartfelt was beyond words. The idea of a eulogy for Jesus was very new and playing such an important role of Mary changed my perspective towards the Holy Week entirely. It was like standing in her shoes and feeling what she felt at the foot of the Cross,” Freya Saldanha, who played the role of Mother Mary, said.
The youth then set on their way to Calvary by carrying their own crosses and partaking in the Stations of the Cross. Members from each group enacted the importance of carrying crosses by relating it to problems faced by the youth of today. After experiencing the Passion and Death of Christ, many engaged in the Sacrament of Reconciliation through Confession.

Holy Saturday brought about the message of waiting in solemn silence for Christ’s Resurrection. As day broke, pictures of Jesus depicting different emotions in His life’s journey were placed before the crowd and they choose a face of Jesus that spoke to them and shared the reason behind choosing that picture with the group.
The retreat was brought to a close with Holy Mass celebrated by Father Braganza and Father Pereira. SPY continues to inspire the youth through such events and encourages them to participate and be a part of the Church through the youth group.
KUWAIT, APRIL 16, 2019: To deepen the Lenten spiritual experience, Salmiya Parish Youth (SPY) from St. Therese of the Child Jesus Church, Kuwait, organised an overnight Youth Pasch at Don Bosco school from 8 pm to 8 am on April 14. Around 70 youth from the four parishes of Kuwait attended the Lenten youth retreat titled ‘Youth Pasch 2019’ that took the participants through Christs’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
“It is very heartwarming to see weeks of preparation come to fruition in the smiles and tears of the participants. This is one of the most important events of the year. One that calls every young adult during the most important time of our Christian calendar – Lent, to renew their friendship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Paloma D’sa, SPY animator, said.
The event started off with an introduction, signing of the commitment and welcome by SPY’s Spiritual Director Father Lionel Braganza. Participants were then divided into different groups. Various group discussions based on Bible verses of the three iconic days brought each group closer, as they shared their personal experiences and thoughts with each other. Father Franco Pereira explained the importance of the liturgy of the Paschal Triduum.
Maundy Thursday session began with the youth conducting a skit on one of the most iconic paintings of our time, ‘The Last Supper’. The night then proceeded to the most awaited part where Father Braganza and Father Pereira, with the help of Salesian Cooperators, recreated the Jewish Passover meal as a Catholic resemblance of what Jesus performed at the Last Supper with his disciples. Each plate had the seven food items of the Seder meal, along with four glasses of wine, each representing an important part of the meal.
The participants then washed and kissed each other’s feet just like Jesus did after the Last Supper. “Staying awake with Jesus was like being one of the apostles who was told to stay awake at Gethsemane. During the washing of the feet, I was least expecting to have to kiss the feet of my group mates. But in fact, it was the most humbling experience one can go through, as it helped me understand a completely different aspect of humility. Overall the experience was beautiful and really helped me better understand the events that took place during the Holy Week,” Roseandro D’costa, said.
Good Friday dawned with a eulogy with different characters that met Jesus on His way to Calvary. “Being a part of something so emotional and heartfelt was beyond words. The idea of a eulogy for Jesus was very new and playing such an important role of Mary changed my perspective towards the Holy Week entirely. It was like standing in her shoes and feeling what she felt at the foot of the Cross,” Freya Saldanha, who played the role of Mother Mary, said.
The youth then set on their way to Calvary by carrying their own crosses and partaking in the Stations of the Cross. Members from each group enacted the importance of carrying crosses by relating it to problems faced by the youth of today. After experiencing the Passion and Death of Christ, many engaged in the Sacrament of Reconciliation through Confession.
Holy Saturday brought about the message of waiting in solemn silence for Christ’s Resurrection. As day broke, pictures of Jesus depicting different emotions in His life’s journey were placed before the crowd and they choose a face of Jesus that spoke to them and shared the reason behind choosing that picture with the group.
The retreat was brought to a close with Holy Mass celebrated by Father Braganza and Father Pereira. SPY continues to inspire the youth through such events and encourages them to participate and be a part of the Church through the youth group.