BIS Correspondent - INB
Lonavla 12 September 2019: The Salesians of INB Province of St Francis
Xavier participated in a solemn, simple and short ceremony to welcome Father
Savio Silveira as the 11th Provincial at Don Bosco Lonavla on September 12,
2019. The official installation/inauguration happened within a well-animated
and meaningful Eucharist, during which Father Silveira professed the Creed and
signed the official document, upon being invited by the outgoing Provincial and
the principal president Father Godfrey D'Souza.
In his homily, Father D'Souza elaborated
the eight qualities of a good leader, following the model of Jesus Christ, the Good
Shepherd. In the presence of the Salesians, FMAs, member-representatives of the
Salesian Family, the aspirants of Don Bosco Lonavla and other well-wishers, Father
D'Souza welcomed Father Silveira to take on the mantle of the Good Shepherd.
Immediately after Mass, the entire
gathering numbering two hundred and forty five attendees proceeded for a
wonderfully conceived, coordinated and well executed felicitation ceremony. The
aspirants of Don Bosco Lonavla performed two rousing band-pieces and a hymn
recitation in voices, with Father Blany Pinto wielding the baton, with aplomb.
The clerics Nathaniel George, Avil Correa and Coadjutor Salesian Aliester
D'Souza had the entire ceremony planned to flawless perfection, with brilliant
artistic displays conceptualized by Father Velasli Bandya.
Father Silveira was felicitated by the Salesian
Provincial of Shillong Father Paul Lyngkot; the Vice Provincial of Bengaluru
Father Jose Koyickal; FMA Provincial of Mumbai, Sister Rita Dora and by members
of the ADMA and other Salesian Family representatives.
Addressing the gathering, Father D'Souza said,
"I am grateful to Father Savio for his wise compassionate counsel and
collaboration as Vice Provincial, and for willing to coordinate various events
within the province, of which the 13th National Boscoree was a splendid
hallmark. Even at the national and international level, his concept of a worldwide
global alliance as a response to the environment crisis has now materialized
into the Don Bosco Green Alliance with over 128 affiliates. I wish you Savio,
that you continue to walk in the footsteps of Jesus the Good Shepherd and lead
the province to further and greater heights."

A sumptuous banquet lunch, coordinated by
Father Royal D'Abre brought the short, sweet, simple and splendid ceremony to a
cheerful close, even as the heavens opened up showering the participating crowd
on their way home.