Ms Pauline Vallado

The day began with the flag hoisting at 8:15am done by the Silver Jubilarians of Don Bosco Matunga who were Mr. Hiramani Shukla, Mr.J.Mudiappan and Mr. Manuel Fernandes. Our chief guests were Mr. and Mrs. Kannan and our special guest of honour was Mr. Boman Irani. The Don Bosco band <![if !vml]><![endif]>welcomed them through their display of the Bombay March.
The Assembly began by invoking God’s blessing for our country and her citizens. The students paid homage and expressed their gratitude to the thousands who participated in the freedom movement. The comperes highlighted the fact that we are looking at a resurgent India, an economic and military powerhouse; an infrastructural marvel and an amazing destination for tourism and trade. But despite this, in the Real India millions don’t have an access to decent housing, electricity, fundamental education or even drinking water. The prayer service ended by echoing the sentiments of Rabindranath Tagore by singing the hymn: “Into that Heaven Of Freedom, my Father, Let My Country Awake.”
The chief guests and the members of the management were presented with a floral tribute as a token of love and appreciation. India is the largest democracy, but we fail many a times to identify ourselves with our country. Std. IX A through their informative and educative presentation, helped the audience to introspect the importance as to respect the national flag, the theme being : “A piece of cloth, the voice of a billion!”
In the presentation they highlighted the various flags that were induced as national symbols as early as 1858 till the day the Tricolour was adopted on July 22, 1947.

This was followed by the NCC cadets who echoed the slogan of India’s freedom struggle, written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee through <![if !vml]><![endif]>their dance performance on our National Song: Vande Mataram.
The cubs of Std. V and VI put up a small skit on the importance of saving lives through their skit on blood donation.
Our special guest Mr. Boman Irani then took the stage to express his views on ‘Saving the Animal Habitat.’ He urged the audience to save the animal habitat through his soul-stirring words and made them take a pledge along with him. The pledge is as follows:
We take a Pledge to…
“Save our Forest, Save our Animals, Save Mankind .
And for the animals we say…Fight for us, Write for us.”
Mrs. Christina Mascerenhas then took over for the prize distribution. The SSC boys of 2011/12 who made their alma mater proud through their zest, zeal and perseverance, were rewarded with various accolades.
The day came to an end with the principal of the school Rev.Fr. Bosco D’mello proposing the vote of thanks.